mid year vision board

Create Your Vision Board: Your Path to Manifesting Dreams

Written by: Juliana Yasmine



Time to read 5 min

Why a Mid-Year Vision Board Might Be Just What You Need

As we navigate through the year, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of daily responsibilities and forget about the goals and aspirations we set at the beginning. A mid-year vision board serves as a powerful tool to realign with your goals, super fuel fresh energy into your pursuits, and stay motivated for the remainder of the year. Here’s why creating a mid-year vision board can be beneficial:

1. Reflect and Reassess:

The middle of the year is an ideal time to reflect on the progress you've made so far. Are you on track with your goals? Have your priorities shifted? By reassessing where you are and where you want to go, you can make necessary adjustments and ensure your vision board accurately represents your current aspirations.

2. Renew Motivation:

It’s common to start the year with a burst of enthusiasm, only to see it wane as months go by. A mid-year vision board can reignite that initial excitement and motivation. By visually reaffirming your goals, you can recharge your determination and push through any mid-year slumps.

3. Adapt to Change:

Life is unpredictable, and circumstances can change. Perhaps new opportunities have arisen, or you’ve encountered unexpected challenges. A mid-year vision board allows you to adapt your goals to your current reality, ensuring that your aspirations are relevant and achievable.

4. Celebrate Achievements:

Creating a new vision board mid-year is also an opportunity to celebrate what you’ve already accomplished. Acknowledge your successes, no matter how small, and let them inspire you to continue striving toward your larger goals.

5. Refocus and Realign:

As the year progresses, it’s easy to get sidetracked by various distractions. A mid-year vision board helps you refocus on what truly matters. It serves as a visual reminder of your priorities, helping you realign your actions with your goals.

6. Infuse Fresh Energy:

Starting anew with a mid-year vision board brings fresh energy and creativity into your goal-setting process. It’s a chance to infuse your vision with new ideas, images, and inspirations that resonate with your current state of mind and ambitions.

7. Break the Year into Manageable Segments:

Viewing the year in smaller segments can make your goals feel more manageable. By breaking the year into two parts, you can create more attainable milestones and maintain a sense of momentum throughout the year.

8. Strengthen Commitment:

Revisiting and updating your vision board mid-year reinforces your commitment to your goals. It’s a proactive step that demonstrates your dedication to personal growth and achievement.

9. Foster a Growth Mindset:

Engaging in the practice of creating a mid-year vision board promotes a growth mindset. It encourages continuous reflection, learning, and adaptation, all of which are essential for long-term success.

10. Create a Supportive Community:

If you choose to create your mid-year vision board with a group, it can foster a sense of community and shared purpose. Sharing your goals and aspirations with others can provide additional support, accountability, and inspiration.

Looking for extra guidance when crafting your mid year vision board?

In this months gathering we will be exploring vision boards:  Together we will be here to provide a supportive, creative environment where you are invited to create your own vision board, share goals, and gain inspiration from one another.  

Sign up to join the Chestnut collective to get access to the zoom links...

Vision board crafting


Date:  July 25th

Time: 6PM EST

Location: Zoom

What you will need to bring:

  • A magazine of choice that resonates most with your current life goals and visions - we will be pulling out images, text and anything that inspires us
  • Large card stock paper or poster board
  • Glue stick
  • Scissors
  • Stickers (optional)
  • Sharpie (optional)
  • Paints and brushes (optional)

Other things you might like to bring:

  • Cup of tea
  • Scented Candle

Not sure what is a vision board is?

  • A vision board is a collage of images, pictures, and affirmations of one's dreams and desires. It's a tangible representation of where you see yourself in the future. By placing it in a space where you see it often, you are constantly reminded of your goals and inspired to achieve them.
artistic vision board

Visualization is a mental practice where you create a vivid picture in your mind of what you want to achieve. This technique taps into the power of the subconscious mind, reinforcing positive thinking and motivation. Vision boards amplify this practice by providing a physical, visual representation of your dreams.

Benefits of Vision Boards:

  • Clarity and Focus: Helps you define and concentrate on your goals.
  • Motivation: Provides daily inspiration to keep you driven.
  • Creativity: Encourages you to think creatively about your future.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Strengthens positive thinking by regularly visualizing your goals.
  • Manifestation: Aids in the manifestation of your dreams through the Law of Attraction.
gypsy woman meditating with sage

Steps to Create a Vision Board:

1. Set Clear Goals:

  • Take time to reflect on what you truly want to achieve in various areas of your life: career, relationships, health, personal growth, and leisure.
  • Write down your goals in detail.

2. Gather Materials:

  • Collect magazines, printouts, photos, and any other visual elements that resonate with your goals.
  • Have a poster board or corkboard, glue, scissors, and markers ready.

3. Find Inspiration:

  • Look for images, quotes, and words that reflect your goals and aspirations.
  • Pinterest, Instagram, and vision board apps are great sources of inspiration.

4. Create Your Board:

  • Arrange and glue your images and quotes on the board.
  • Make it aesthetically pleasing and personal.

5. Display Your Board:

  • Place your vision board where you'll see it daily.
  • Spend a few moments each day visualizing and affirming your goals.

Maintaining and Updating Your Vision Board:

As you achieve goals or your aspirations change, update your vision board. It's a dynamic tool that evolves with you. Celebrate your successes and reflect on the journey.

vision board drawing of current and future self
pensive woman

Juliana Yasmine

Each year I like to re-asses my progress, appreciate how far I have come, but also keep myself on track.  For several years now I have taken the time to create various vision boards - they hold me accountable to keep on heading in a direction that I can be proud of.

Chestnut Collective FAQ

How do I access the zoom link?

Once you have purchased your Chestnut Collective membership access you can login into your account on our website.

Click the Chestnut Collective Community tab to find the Zoom Access Links.

How long is the session?

Sessions range from 30 minutes - 1 hour

Will the session be recorded?

Yes. For those that have subscribed to our monthly Chestnut Collective subscription but are not able to attend this months gathering, we want you to have full access to the gathering. It will be recorded and published as an unlisted (not public) video on YouTube where you will be able to find the recordings on the Chestnut Collective community portal. 

Can I join if I’m late?

We recommend joining the session on time to get the full benefit and not disturb the flow for others. However, if you join late, please do so quietly and follow along as best you can.